Tomcat Karl
2007 – 2023
Mrs. Marion Ratanski-Kraft (Platen) and I have married in fall of 2019 and our wedding-journey took us along the Norwegian coast by Hurtig Rutens post ship.

In December 2019 Marion’s bitch “English Fox aus Lühlsbusch”, a by David Platen beautifully trained fox red Labrador bitch came into heat and has been mated by the sire “Polarwind vom Suderholz”. I am very curious about the puppies to been born in February 2020 and I will take chances to get some pictures of the things to come. Photos will be presented on the home page of the “vom Hülser Bruch” kennel. Puppy buyers please refer to www.vomhuelserbruch.de if you like.
Greenland pictures summer 2018
Back from Greenland with many wonderful impressions, which I have captured in my pictures… *Gallery*
The trip was a long-cherished wish, after the Spitsbergen trip in early summer 2017.
On this occasion there is also a new *photo of the month*.
October 3rd 2017 we did have a temperament test following rules and regulations of the German Labrador club (LCD) with Mr. Uwe Goerlas judging. There had been “Luehlsbusch” and “Huelser Bruch” dogs presented by their owners. Mrs. Martha Lea assisted by Mrs. Marion Ratanski-Platen has done stewarding. I ‘am very happy to report, that all teams passed the test and each team showed Retriever typical behavior. I want to thank Mr. Goerlas and the entire team of the event for the efforts they have been making for this successful day.
Molly (Good Golly Miss Molly a.L.) with her handler Andrea Hauck passed successfully the basic working test for Search and Rescue Dogs. Under the difficult condition of strong heat they showed an excellent search on a mountain of rubble at the bottom of a gravel pit. Wie are proud of these two and wish you continued success in your training and your later search and rescue carreer.

On this bright sunday we had a puppy party for 6 children of Hendrik and Amanda who used the time to play in the garden and the pond; their owners could exchange stories about their experiences and put questions to knowledgeable people regarding behaviour and training. We also gave informations regarding the temperament test that is planned for these puppies in autumn. The day culminated in a super lunch with delicious food that the visitors had brought with them. Many thanks to all for coming!
Paul (see latest news 11.6.2016) is no longer looking for a new home. During the last months we had lots of callers asking for him. Most of them were just curious without any serious interest, their contributions were usually something like „far too old, our last dog died recently at this age, and we left a lot of money at the vets, but we shall make some enquiries.“
Then there were three conversations that stayed in our memory: One family wanted a dog that can be walked by their children (6 resp. 8 years old), one family living in the center of Cologne on the third floor (they had been denied a puppy by a serious breeder), and a lady who wanted a contract for lifelong free veterinary treatment for Paul without any own risk.
So, to put this into a short version: The nice cuddly senior home for Paul was not found, in spite of some widespread publication. He is now a really old man and should not change his circumstances again, so we took him off the replacement list.
The long rabbit track (800 m, organized by JGV Hubertus Wesel) was successfully completed by the following Lühlsbusch bitches:
Das Fräulein Smilla (Udo Sieberer ), English Fox (David Platen) and Grille (Marion Ratanski-Platen). Congratulations to the handlers!
It has been done – the beginning of 2017 will see the launch of the completely overhauled Lühlsbusch homepage into the internet. We hope that, like its precursor, it may bring current informations about our dogs and our breeding program to our and our dogs` friends. We are especially fond of the greatly improved presentation of our many fotos; the texts are easier to read now, and the technical side is supposed to be ready for the future!
This relaunch was made possible by the intensive work of Mrs. Stroh, who used her technical knowledge and skills to produce this work of art – our heartfelt thanks for this work well done, and also to her flying start at very short notice when she continued the maintenance after the sudden drop-out of our previous webmaster Pia. Our best wishes go to Pia for a better turn of life in 2017 and beyond! Mrs. Stroh will continue to manage our homepage in the future, and we are happy about this prospect – she has done her job extremely well and speedily during this in-between time with two homepages old/new in parallels, so everything was permanently up to date and correct. Thanks and praise to you again!
Today we had a meeting of 8 youngsters from our june litter in our garden – they used the time to run, swim and play, and their families could exchange experiences and stories. Afterwards we had a delicious meal to which every family brought a special contribution. We now look forward to our next meeting in 2017.

Today Paul returned to us. At 8 weeks he was sold to a family in northern Germany; since that time we had not seen him back. Now he is 12 years of age, his family broke up, and his general status (feeding, coat care, medical attention) is deplorable. Our sales contract for each puppy includes the condition that a Lühlsbusch Labrador must be returned to us if his family cannot keep him/her any more. This condition of course is also valid for this senior citizen.
Paul is a nice old bag, rather deaf and therefore sometimes a bit difficult to direct; his interest in the resident females had to be curtailed by a hormone chip. He likes eating, so we hope to correct his undernourishment soon. His abundant dead coat, remaining from last winter, will be brushed out and/or reduced by swimming. The instability of his hind legs (reduced muscles – lack of movement, too long stays in a transport kennel) is improving every day.
And how about his future? He is a dog who should have a nice person or family caring for him, prepared to give him what he needs in his old days and last years – petting, adequate senior food, a cosy warm dog bed, a position as single dog or together with a second calm dog – good individual and medical care (there are a few minor problems that will need attention), regular walks and swimming.
And if such a „princely place“ does not come up, then Paul will stay with us.

Ben a.L. gained his basic shooting dog certificates and is now officially listed as „working gundog“;
We congratulate him and his guide R. Günzel very warmly and wish good luck in the coming hunting season.

Grille a.L. handled bei D.Platen gained a first prize at the open VPS test including waterwork on live ducks;
at an age of only 13 months she is probably among the youngest succesful dogs this year;
we send our congratulations und look forward to our shooting days together.

Filius Solis a.L. (E. Kramer) passed the basic qualification test for search and rescue dogs.
Epos a.L. (handled by H.Rolloos) gained in NL the C- and B-diploma at a cold game test with 72/80.
We send our congratulations and wish lots of fun and success with their continued training.

Some Lühlsbusch dogs did very well at working events this weekend:
Gustav a.L. (H.Deitmer) and George a.L. (F.Mühlke) gained their basic shooting dog certificates and are now officially listed as „working gundogs“, their sister Grille a.L. (D.Platen) passed her blood tracking qualification.
Carlo a.L. (G.Bollrath) ran in an advanced cold game test and qualified. Congratulations to them all, and happy hunting for the future!
For sunday october 2nd we had invited our spring litter for a playful session in our garden. Four of the youngsters attended and enjoyed themselves very much. Three families interested in a puppy attended as well to have a look at what type of dog they might have in some weeks time; now they are happy to wait for a Lühlsbusch puppy.
Gustav a.L. after successful work.
George a.L.
Photo from left to right: Hieronymus, Helianthus, Hudson und Holly.
Our friend Pia Buchholz, who has been the webmaster of this homepage for years and who did her job always with great diligence and speed, had to pull out of this task due to private pressures. We thank her very much for the work well done, and send our best wishes to her and her husband.
Mrs.Petra Stroh, www.gripu.de, was kind enough to take over at very short notice; she will manage our homepage in the future and fix it according to modern technical standards. We have great hopes for this cooperation, and look forward to see some new ideas.
Successful start to the season of cold game tests and trials.
Grille a.L. handled by David K.Platen qualified at a cold game test for puppies at Rees with 360 points and the total result of „excellent“. Congratulations!
Grille is only 11 months old, she was the youngest dog in the entry and gained the second place – we are proud of the team!

Erik’s first litter out of O`Sofina vom Bleckengrund was born today.

Zora die Rote a.L. and her son Erik der Rote a.L. took part in a cold game test on the long rabbit trail. The wintery weather was quite unkind with snow, muddy ground, and fog; this made some hard work for the dogs, but both have passed: Erik (handled by M.Ratanski-Platen) did well on the 800 m trail, and Zora (Dr.I.Kraft) qualified on the 1200 m trail.

Six youngsters from our G litter, now 6 months old, met for a session of happy games in our garden; their owners could exchange experiences and stories from the first months together.
The litter`s sire was also in attendance, the puppy buyers met him for the first time, and he assisted the dam with a bit of education for the young wild ones.
Afterwards we had a wonderful meal with various contributions brought by great cooks. We say a heartfelt „thank you“ for these and for coming from long distances.
We look forward to meet you again in august, hopefully we can arrange for a meeting of the complete litter then.

At the LCD temperament test in Hünxe, judged by Uwe Görlas, 8 yearlings from our „fox-litter“ were entered; all passed with good results. they were (from left to right) Earl Bailey (handler A. Wigge), Etzel (van Oppen family), Elvis (Grundmann family), Evy (M. Boutkan v.d.Honard), English Fox (M. Ratanski-Platen), Erpel (B. Schmellekamp), Erik der Rote (D. Platen) and Eleven (A. Kriwet). Many thanks to all particiants, and also to the „technical team“ working in the background supplying excellent food and caring for a smooth running of the event.

After his excellent work last weekend Erik had earned himself a day off with no training and was entered for his first show, the CACIB show in Bremen.
Many thanks to Marion Platen for training him to „stand“ for examination, and to Katrin Korff for her skilled presentation. The judge R. Michiels placed Erik in the junior class as excellent 2nd with a Res-JCAC and gave him a very nice report:
At the puppy and junior cold game test JPLR, organized by the LCD in Neukirchen-Vluyn, three of the „foxes“ aus Lühlsbusch were entered and won the first three places with the qualification „excellent“. English Fox a.L. (left) handled by David Platen won the top spot, second place went to Evy a.L. (to the very right) handled by Marian Boutkan v.d.Honard, and Erik der Rote a.L. (right/middle), also handled by David Platen, was third. Congratulations! We wish you continued success at the next tests, and happy hunting in the future!

Zora a.L. handled by Marion Ratanski-Platen was succesful at the long rabbit track over 800 m in Breckerfeld.