Nature Photos
April till June 2023
Fawning season in May
Already at the end of April, with the support of the Hamminkelner Kitzrettung eV, we started to systematically search the mowed pastures in the Hegegemeinschaft shortly before cutting, in order to save the fawns from death or serious injuries caused by the mowers. This was only effectively possible through the use of drones with thermal imaging systems, which were flown by the experienced fawn rescue pilots. After all, about 50 fawns were found in the following weeks. The joy of seeing the doe and her fawns safe and sound was all the greater.
Wet spring
After the drought of the last few years, the wet spring was a blessing. The Issel, the small river on which our community lies, was not only full, it even overflowed its banks. Part of the forest was also flooded.
Red predators
After some searching I found used fox dens with young foxes, which I would like to show you in two small video clips. I wish the viewers a lot of fun with the little ruffians.
Unfortunately, one fox family (a doe and her clutch) did not have a happy ending, as they were run over in the morning traffic within a few days. Even on the narrow inland roads in our farming community, people drive unreasonably fast in rush-hour traffic, causing much damage to game; since the beginning of April 2023, there have already been almost 20 deer killed in traffic, as well as countless hares and other game.